*** Please refer to the Gallery page and Video Gallery page for more examples of the other treatments
and to the Other Treatments Price List page for the prices and packages.
Male Microblading, Eyeliners and Lips
Nipple and Areola Medical Tattoo,
Scars Microneedling &
SMP Scalp Micropigmentation
Treatments For Men
Microblading & Permanent Makeup, also known as Semi-Permanent makeup, is not just for the ladies! You might be surprised but a lot of men are also looking for solutions to problems with their appearance. If you are one of them, do not hesitate to get in touch for FREE Virtual consultation over Zoom or Whatsapp or in person consultation at the clinic (£25). More info
Manly Man Brows (Eyebrows for Men)
You might be surprised, but a lot of men also look for solutions to thinning, sparse or uneven eyebrows so that they will still look natural and 'manly'. The bespoke hairstroke treatment for men can help you achieve the fuller, denser and more even brow look, please do not hesitate to get in touch. More info
Scars, Facial & Body Aesthetics
Skin Needling, also known as MCA or multi-Trepannic Collagen Actuation, is a technique used where, as a result of the healing process, benefits are achieved in wrinkle and stretch mark fillings, scar remodelling or removal and skin re-pigmentation. The treatment can be used also to reduce acne scarring, surgical scarring, burn scars and trauma scarring. Benefits of those treatments are widely recognised by the medical industry. More info
'It's a Man's World' - Eye Enhancement for Men
If you ever noticed the striking eyes of many male celebs and actors, it is probably because they have had a top secret 'Lash Enhancement', using Permanent Makeup. Every day more and more men are turning to Permanent Cosmetics to get that extra definition to their eyes. It is a very subtle procedure, giving definition without looking too strong, obvious or feminine. This is a treatment that only experienced and fully qualified artists should perform. More info

SMP - Scalp Micropigmentation
Scalp Micro Definition provides specialist scalp micro pigmentation services in London three prime locations: Bank, Canary Wharf & Harley Street.
SMP - Scalp Micropigmentation also known as Hair Simulation, Scalp Tattoo or Hair Tattoo is a method of optically imitating the appearance of hair in a natural, non-invasive and long lasting way. The effects of the treatment are expected to last between 2-3 years before the refresh " Colour Boost" visit is required to refresh the 3D texture and density appearance. The procedure is designed to create a subtle and masculine and most importantly a natural look for men, and a gentle, feminine, natural look for ladies.
3D Male Nipple & Areola Reconstruction Medical Tattoo
Nipple Areola restoration is the final part to making your chest reconstruction complete. Some patients are comfortable without having a nipple, and do not wish to have further surgery. Others choose the tattooing without surgical reconstruction. Medical Tattooing allows colour pigmentation to create an optical appearance of the male nipple. More info
Beauty Spot
The most astonishing beauty icons are known to have strategically placed beauty spots on their faces or bodies for a seductive effect for years: think of historical figures like Marie Antoinette or more recent ones like Madonna. Others were lucky enough to be born with them: Marilyn Monroe, Cindy Crawford, Eva Mendes, Kate Upton, Angelina Jolie to name just a few. But beauty spots are not just for the ladies. Gents often wish to enhance their features. More info
Free Virtual / Video Consultations
Do not hesitate to get in touch for a FREE Virtual consultation over Zoom or Whatsapp; or in person consultation at the clinic (£25).
email: info@scalpmicrodefinition.com
If you have additional questions please also visit FAQ
SMP - Micropigmentation Treatments