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Why We Support Patient Privacy

Losing your hair is not usually anything to be worried about, but it can be upsetting

Most men will experience some degree of hair loss by the time they are in their sixties, usually starting in their late twenties and early thirties. Some treatments may help with some types of hair loss. SMP is a cosmetic tattooing treatment (medical hair tattoo) that offers a solution to hair loss by replicating hair follicles that are about to grow giving the impression of a shaved look or an appearance of more density between the long hair. SMP can treat anywhere on the scalp that is losing hair or even complete baldness of the scalp. Its also Suitable for facial hair loss or density like beard area (BMP) or Moustach area (MMP) also known as FMP facial micropigmentation.

Once you gain the confidence to seek help from our London clinic, you may want to help others by promoting your treatments but not want to be identified on social media platforms. We understand how much courage it would have taken to get you here, and want to support your decision by helping you to remain private in your treatment journey. We will never show your full face without your permission and have constructed simple techniques that allow you to remain anonymous whilst still documenting your treatment.

Many of our clients are happy to speak about their treatments and recorded short videos for us with their recommendations as well! And we are very grateful for those but if you prefer not to show your face - thats all absolutely fine!

We have helped hundreds of males regain their confidence and self-esteem over the years, giving back what they felt was taken too early. If you are experiencing male pattern baldness or ther forms of hairloss and want to join the hundreds of others that have benefited from this life changing treat, email us today for a free of charge e-consultation.



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