Post Hair Transplant Hair Densification
Scalp Micropigmentation compliments your hair transplant journey, by bridging the visual gap that surgeries leave behind.
What Is a Hair Transplant?
A hair transplant is a procedure to move hair to an area that's thin or bald. A hair transplant is suitable for people with permanent baldness, the type that runs in families. It's not usually suitable for people with other types of hair loss, such as the type that causes bald patches (alopecia areata).

How does a hair transplant work?
A graft, or small pieces of skin, from areas of the body that contain healthy hair. Healthcare providers call this area the donor site. It’s usually on your head, at the back of your scalp where hair tends to be thickest. Once the transplanted skin heals, it should continue to grow hair. Hair grafting is the most common type of hair transplant surgery. A healthcare provider cuts tiny pieces of the scalp containing healthy hair. Sometimes they use a small, round punch to remove skin that contains about 10 to 15 hairs. People used to call these grafts “hair plugs.” Micro-grafts contain one to two hairs. The procedure can take several hours. Most people stay awake during the surgery, but they receive medication to numb the scalp. You may need several procedures depending on how much hair your provider needs to move. Your scalp will need to heal for a few months between procedures.
Our London clinic has been working with hundreds of hair transplant clients to provide the cosmetic finish of realism to the scalp and hairline.
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