What is the Healing Process After Scalp Micropigmentation?
During the Scalp Micropigmentation procedure, micro-perforations are made into the skin, and the ink is injected into the area. When...

What is Scalp Micropigmentation?
Losing your hair can be terrifying and comes at a huge emotional cost. And even though there are plenty of options out there if your...

Scalp Micropigmentation Post Chemo Alopecia by El Truchan @ Scalp Micro Definition
Scalp micropigmention is increasingly becoming a popular choice to restore hair loss after chemotherapy is finished. Unlike other...

Men's Blonde Microblading can still have definition!
Men's Blonde Microblading can still have definition! The major misconception is that if you have blonde hair to have microblading you...

Natural and Subtle
Scalp micropigmentation is non-invasive and requires no down time. In most cases, you will not need to take any extended time away from...

What is the Healing Process After Scalp Micropigmentation?
During the Scalp Micropigmentation procedure, micro-perforations are made into the skin, and the pigment is placed into the upper layers...

Post Hair Transplant Hair Densification
Scalp Micropigmentation compliments your hair transplant journey, by bridging the visual gap that surgeries leave behind. What Is a Hair...

Men's Webbed Toes Medical Tattoo Separator
Webbed toes is the informal and common name for syndactyly affecting the feet—the fusion of two or more digits of the feet Syndactyly of...

What is Scalp Micropigmentation?
Losing your hair can be terrifying and comes at a huge emotional cost. And even though there are plenty of options out there if your...

Trust Our Process
This is an example of 1st session SMP in progress Scalp Micropigmentation is a process, after your first session you should expect some...