Can I get a masculine look with Microblading?
El Truchan is am Microblading specialist based in the heart of London in the exclusive and discreet clinic Scalp Micro Definition The...

When Should I have Scalp Micropigmentation?
Scalp micropigmentation is a cosmetic procedure that involves tattooing small dots on the scalp to create the appearance of hair...

Men's Webbed Toes Medical Tattoo Separator By El Truchan Scalp Micro Definition London
Medical tattooing involves the use of a specialised tattoo needle and ink to create the appearance of separation between webbed toes....

What can go wrong with scalp micropigmentation?
The biggest risks of scalp micropigmentation come with using an unlicensed or inexperienced practitioner who may not take the necessary...

Can I go darker with SMP?
Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a popular cosmetic procedure that involves tattooing small dots onto the scalp to simulate the look of...

Who is a good candidate for SMP?
Those who suffer from any type of hair loss, male and females are good candidates for scalp micropigmentation. Specific details that...

Can you drink alcohol after micropigmentation?
Alcohol can slow down the healing process and increase production of lymph fluid, which can again lead to poor retention, excess...

What can go wrong with scalp micropigmentation?
The biggest risks of scalp micropigmentation come with using an unlicensed or inexperienced practitioner who may not take the necessary...

Can I go darker with SMP?
From changing the way your hairline looks to changing the colour of the treatment itself, you can alter your SMP treatment according to...

Can Guys Do microblading? - Microblading For Men
Male Microblading Questions & Answers With El Truchan - Award Winning Clinic London Can men get Microblading? YES! Microblading and...